If you’re in the title business in Texas, your company should be “All In” for your TLTAPAC
Your team’s investment in TLTAPAC is your voice at the Texas Legislature. Help us protect your business by being “All In”.
Join these companies who are “All In” for TLTAPAC!
The following companies have made the All In for your TLTA
PAC Commitment:
San Jacinto Title Services of Texas, LLC
First Community Title LLC
Republic Title of Texas, Inc.
Platinum Title Partners, LLC
Town Square Title Company, LLC
How do I know if my company is “All In”?
Companies that are making an “All In” TLTAPAC investment should be meeting one of the following criteria or something similar:
- A majority of your employees contribute to TLTAPAC annually
- You host an annual pledge drive with your employees
- You maintain a monthly payroll deduction program
- Are you “All In” in another way similar to the above? Let us know!
How does my company make our “All In” commitment?
Ready to add your company to this list of good industry partners above? All you have to do is make your “All In” commitment and support it with a meaningful, actionable company culture that supports TLTA
PAC in one of the categories listed above. Contact Brandon Custer at
brandon@tlta.com to learn more.